Form 94—Notice of Objection to the Automatic Revival of Consumer Proposal

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Form 94

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(Subsection 66.31(6) of the Act)

(Title Form 1)

Space to insert name and address of adminstrator (first line)Space to insert name and address of adminstrator (second line)Space to insert name and address of adminstrator (third line)Space to insert name and address of adminstrator (fourth line)
(Insert administrator's name and address)

In the matter of the consumer proposal of Space to insert name of debtor (name of debtor), which was deemed to be annulled on the Space to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year, I, Space to insert name of creditor of the debtor, creditor of the debtor, object to the automatic revival of the proposal.

Reason(s) for objection:

Space to insert reason(s) for objection (first line)Space to insert reason(s) for objection (second line)Space to insert reason(s) for objection (third line)

(This notice must be filed with the administrator within 60 days after the date on which the consumer proposal was deemed to be annulled.)

Dated at Space to insert city, thisSpace to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year.

Space to insert name of creditor

Telephone No.:Space to insert phone number
Fax No.: Space to insert fax number
Email address: Space to insert email address


If a copy of this Form is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document.