Form 25—Notice of Examination Before the Official Receiver (Individual Bankrupt/Debtor) (New, coming into force in 2024)

For persons to which the 2009 amendments apply

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Form 25

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(Sections 66, 158 and 161 of the Act; Rule 117)

Date: Space to insert date

To: Space to insert addressee

In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of (or of the Proposal of):

Space to insert in the matter of the bankruptcy of or of the proposal of

Estate No.: Space to insert estate number


Place, date and time of Examination:
Space to insert name of place of examination
Space to insert name of place of examination
Space to insert name of place of examination

Notice of Examination Before the Official Receiver

You are hereby required, pursuant to paragraph 158(c) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA), to attend before the Official Receiver (OR), on the day and at the time and place (or video conference platform) aforementioned, to answer any questions that may be put to you by the OR with respect to your conduct, the causes of your bankruptcy/proposal and the disposition of your property.

Further take notice that if you fail to present yourself for Examination, the Court may, by warrant, cause you to be apprehended and brought up for Examination.  Failure to appear for your Examination is an offence under the BIA. You may be liable, on conviction under indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years.

This notice is not to be confused with the notice to attend the first meeting of creditors you may have received from the Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

As your bankruptcy documents were prepared in English (or French), this Examination will be conducted in English (or French).

Space to insert official receiver's signature
Official Receiver
Space to insert official receiver's signature


Address of the division office of the Official Receiver

Space to insert address of division office of official receiver
Space to insert address of division office of official receiver
Space to insert address of division office of official receiver