Form 91—Bankruptcy Order

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Form 91

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(Sections 43 and 44 of the Act)

In the Space to insert type of court Court of Space to insert city or province in Bankruptcy

In the matter of the Bankruptcy of Space to insert name of bankrupt

On the application of Space to insert name of creditor, a creditor, of Space to insert name of city where creditor is located, in the Province of Space to insert name of province where creditor is located, filed on Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year;

Having heard Space to insert name of bankrupt;

And having seen the exhibits;

And it appearing to the court that the following acts of bankruptcy have been committed (Set out the nature and dates of the acts of bankruptcy on which the order is made):

  1. The Court hereby orders that Space to insert name, address and description of bankrupt (Insert name, address and description of bankrupt as set out in the petition or proof to the court) be adjudged bankrupt by virtue of a bankruptcy order hereby made on this date.
  2. The Court further orders that Space to insert name of trustee, of Space to insert name of city, in the Province of Space to insert name of province, be appointed as trustee of the estate of the bankrupt.
  3. The Court further orders that the trustee give security in cash or by bond or suretyship without delay, in accordance with subsection 16(1) of the Act.
  4. The Court further orders that the costs of the applicant creditor be paid out of the estate of the bankrupt on taxation of the estate.

Dated at Space to insert name of city, this Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year.

Space to insert Judge or Registrar signature
Judge or Registrar