Form 54.1—Order Annulling the Consumer Proposal of a Consumer Debtor who was a Bankrupt

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Form 54.1

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(Subsection 66.3(5) of the Act)

In the Space to insert level of court Court of Space to insert province (province) in Bankruptcy

In the matter of the consumer proposal of Space to insert debtor, a consumer debtor who was a bankrupt

On the application of Space to insert administrator , the administrator of the consumer proposal of Space to insert First name Space to insert family name , a consumer debtor (or a creditor of Space to insert the consumer debtor , a consumer debtor); on reading the application of that administrator (or creditor); on hearing Space to insert administrator; and as it appears that the consumer debtor who is a bankrupt:

(Check appropriate description.)

select for default in the performance of a provision in the consumer proposal has defaulted in the performance of a provision in the consumer proposal.

select as not eligible to make a consumer proposal when the consumer proposal was filed was not eligible to make a consumer proposal when the consumer proposal was filed.

select as convicted of the following offence under the Act after the consumer proposal was accepted or approved was convicted of the following offence under the Act after the consumer proposal was accepted or approved: Space to insert offence.

cannot continue the consumer proposal without injustice or undue delay.

obtained the approval of the court by fraud.

It is ordered that the consumer proposal dated the Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year is hereby annulled, and the consumer debtor is deemed to have made an assignment on this date.

Dated at Space to insert city , this Space to insert day of month Space to insert month Space to insert year.

Space to insert judge or registrar's signature
Judge or Registrar