Form 54—Report to Official Receiver on Annulment of the Consumer Proposal of a Consumer Debtor who was a Bankrupt

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Form 54

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(Paragraph 66.3(5)(c) of the Act)

(Title Form 1)

I,Space to insert name of administrator of the consumer proposal of Space to insert city, the administrator of the consumer proposal of Space to insert type of proposal, a consumer debtor, hereby report that the Court of Space to insert province (province) in Bankruptcy, by order dated the Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month and year, has annulled the consumer proposal made by Space to insert consumer debtor, consumer debtor who was a bankrupt, on the Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year.

  1. The consumer proposal was annulled by the court on the application of Space to insert administrator of the proposal, the administrator of the proposal (or a creditor of the consumer debtor).
  2. The consumer proposal was annulled on the grounds that:

    (Check appropriate grounds.)

    Select box if default was made by the consumer debtor in the performance of a provision in the consumer proposal. Default was made by the consumer debtor in the performance of a provision in the consumer proposal.

    Select box if the consumer debtor was not eligible to make a consumer proposal when the consumer proposal was filed. The consumer debtor was not eligible to make a consumer proposal when the consumer proposal was filed.

    Select box if the consumer proposal could not continue without injustice or undue delay. The consumer proposal could not continue without injustice or undue delay.

    Select box if the approval of the court was obtained by fraud. The approval of the court was obtained by fraud.

    Select box if the consumer debtor was convicted of an offence under the Act after the consumer proposal was accepted or approved. The consumer debtor was convicted of an offence under the Act after the consumer proposal was accepted or approved.

  3. As a consequence of the annulment of the consumer proposal, the consumer debtor is deemed on the annulment to have made an assignment pursuant to paragraph 66.3(5)(a) of the Act.

Dated at Space to insert city, this Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year.

Space to insert Trustee's signature
Licensed Insolvency Trustee


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