Form 25—Notice of Examination Before The Official Receiver (Individual Bankrupt)

For persons to which the 2009 amendments do not apply

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Form 25

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(Rule 117)

Space to insert day / Space to insert month / Space to insert year

Space to insert addressee

In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of:
Space to insert bankrupt name

Estate No.
Space to insert estate number

Place of Examination:
Space to insert place of examination

Notice of examination before the official receiver

Take notice that you, the bankrupt named herein are required to perform all duties imposed on a bankrupt by section 158 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

You are hereby required, pursuant to section 158, to attend at the office of the official receiver, on the day and at the time and place aforementioned, there to answer to any questions that may be put to you by the official receiver with respect to your conduct, the causes of your bankruptcy and the disposition of your property.

Failure to appear for your examination is an offence under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, which may have serious consequences on your application for discharge from bankruptcy.

This notice is not to be confused with the notice to attend the first meeting of creditors you may have received from the trustee.

Space to insert signature of official receiver

Official Receiver

Address of the division office of the official receiver

Space to insert address of the division office of the official receiver line 1
Space to insert address of the division office of the official receiver line 2
Space to insert address of the division office of the official receiver line 3
Space to insert address of the division office of the official receiver line 4