Form 17—Notice of Hearing for Taxation of Trustee's Accounts and Discharge of Trustee

For persons to which the 2009 amendments do not apply

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Form 17

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(Rule 66)

(Title Form 1)

Summary Administration

Take notice that the trustee’s accounts will be taxed and the trustee’s discharge heard at a hearing to be held before the registrar of the Space to insert court Court of Space to insert province (province) in Bankruptcy, at Space to insert city , on the Space to insert date at Space to insert time o'clock.

Attached to this notice are a copy of:

(a) my final statement of receipts and disbursements; and

(b) the dividend sheet, showing the dividends paid or to be paid to the creditors of the bankrupt.

Any creditor may object to the taxation of my accounts and to my discharge by doing the following:

(a) serving a notice of objection on me or sending me a notice of objection by registered mail or by courier, which notice of objection must be received by me before the start of the hearing;

(b) filing a copy of the notice of objection with the registrar, along with any applicable fee of as provided by the tariff; and,

(c) sending a copy of the notice of objection to the division office.

Dated at Space to insert city, this Space to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year .

Space to insert signature of trustee


If a copy of this Notice is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document.