Form 11—Notice of Final Dividend and Application for Discharge of Trustee

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Form 11

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(Paragraph 152(5)(c), Rule 61)

(Title Form 1)

Take notice that:

  1. A final dividend sheet has been prepared. There is enclosed with this form a copy of the dividend sheet and a copy of my final statement of receipts and disbursements as taxed.
  2. The final dividend will be paid after the expiration of 15 days following the date of the mailing of this notice.
  3. Notice of objection of the final statement and dividend sheet must be filed with the registrar, at Space to insert city, before the Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year, and a copy of the notice served on the undersigned. The notice must state the reasons for the objection.
  4. I will apply to the court on the Space to insert day of month of appearance day of Space to insert month of appearance Space to insert year of appearance, at the hour of Space to insert time of appearance o'clock, or so soon thereafter as the motion can be heard, for an order of discharge with respect to the above-mentioned estate and for a release of the security provided by me pursuant to subsection 16(1) of the Act.
  5. Notice of objection to my discharge, setting out the reasons for opposition, must be filed with the registrar, at Space to insert location of hearing, at least five days before the date of the hearing, and a copy of the notice must be served on me within those five days.

Dated at Space to insert location of notice, this Space to insert day of notice day of Space to insert month of notice Space to insert year of notice.

Space to insert former trustee's signature
Licensed Insolvency Trustee


If a copy of this Form is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document.