Form 6—Notice to Canada Post Corporation Requesting Redirection of Mail Addressed to Bankrupt

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Form 6

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(Subsection 35(1) of the Act)

Take notice that I, Space to insert name of trustee, the trustee of the estate of Space to insert name of bankrupt, a bankrupt, as stated in the attached certificate of appointment, hereby request that any mail addressed to the bankrupt at the following address(es):

First space to insert the bankrupt's address

Second space to insert the bankrupt's address

Third space to insert the bankrupt's address

be redirected to the trustee (or Space to insert other name), at the following address:

First space to insert the trustee's address

Second space to insert the trustee's address

Third space to insert the trustee's address

for the period beginning on Space to insert beginning of period and ending onSpace to insert ending of period.

Dated at Space to insert city and province, this Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month, Space to insert year.

Space to insert trustee's signature
Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Notes: This notice may refer to the bankrupt's residence only if the trustee has, on application, obtained permission to do so from the court.

If the bankrupt is an individual, this notice is operative only during the 3-month period immediately following the date of bankruptcy, unless the court, on application, extends that period, on any terms that the court considers appropriate.

If a copy of this Notice is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document