NAICS 3261 Plastic products industry (Total)

These statistics are for the entire plastic products industry, based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 3261.

Principal statistics
Year Establishments Shipments
($ millions)
Employment Imports
($ millions)
($ millions)
* Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada estimates
Source: Statistics Canada
Note: The step change in establishments observed in 2004 was due to a change by Statistics Canada in the minimum threshold size necessary for inclusion of establishments in the annual data. This change had only a minor impact on other Principal statistics.
2003 2,045 19,673 104,614 6,494 9,233
2004 2,922 20,099 95,773 6,655 9,320
2005 2,700 21,473 96,932 7,003 9,561
2006 2,634 21,079 93,367 7,193 9,268
2007 2,528 20,778 90,289 7,259 8, 822
2008 2,488 19,135 86,977 7,717 7,785
2009 2,422 16,504 75,195 7,160 6,375
2010 2,422 17, 550 76,350 7,560 6,738
2011 2,434 18,789 79,475 8,018 7,135
2012 2,434 * 19,667 77,400 * 8,578 7,456

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing intermediate or final products from plastics resins, using such processes as compression moulding, extrusion moulding, injection moulding, blow moulding and casting. The production process in most of these industries is such that a wide variety of products can be produced. The plastics resins used by these establishments may be new or recycled.

Exclusion(s): Establishments primarily engaged in:

  • manufacturing laminated film, sheet and bags of plastic combined with other materials (3222, Converted Paper Product Manufacturing)
  • manufacturing plastic hose and belting (3262, Rubber Product Manufacturing).