NAICS 326122 Plastic pipe and pipe fittings

These statistics are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Principal statistics
Year Establishments Shipments
($ millions)
Employment Imports
($ millions)
($ millions)
* Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada estimates
Source: Statistics Canada
Note: The step change in establishments observed in 2004 was due to a change by Statistics Canada in the minimum threshold size necessary for inclusion of establishments in the annual data. This change had only a minor impact on other Principal statistics.
2003 95 1,230 4,738 220 241
2004 117 1,364 4,791 240 269
2005 105 1,447 4,268 259 319
2006 101 1,444 4,200 285 312
2007 106 528 4,578 282 282
2008 110 1,489 4,320 317 244
2009 108 1,154 3,390 268 172
2010 108 1,200 3,440 333 157
2011 113 1,250 3,692 351 188
2012 113 * 1,280 * 3,692 * 425 197

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in converting plastics resins into plastic pipes and pipe fittings.


  • Pipe of rigid plastics
  • Pipe fittings and unions of rigid plastics

Exclusion(s): Establishments primarily engaged in:

  • manufacturing unsupported plastic tubing (326121, Unsupported Plastic Profile Shape Manufacturing)
  • manufacturing plastic plumbing fixtures (326191, Plastic Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing)
  • manufacturing plastic hose (326220, Rubber and Plastic Hose and Belting Manufacturing)
  • manufacturing non-current-carrying plastic conduit (335930, Wiring Device Manufacturing).