- OSB / CAIRP Guide to Promote Diversity and Inclusion
- Comprehensive review of directives and regulations under the BIA and the CCAA – Stakeholder submissions
- Guidance to LIT s – Self-identification on the Estate Information Summary
- Comprehensive review of directives and regulations under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act
- The BIA Insolvency Counselling Curriculum
- The Insolvency Counsellor Training Package
- Document Filing Service Standards New
Applying the BIA
- Directives and circulars
- Forms
- Position papers
- Debtor compliance through Awareness Initiative
- Debtor Compliance Referral Program
- Court orders
Applying the CCAA
- Code of Ethics
- OSB's LIT Compliance Program
- Review of Licensed Insolvency Trustee business practices in relation to administration
of consumer insolvencies - Licensing decisions
- Conservatory measures
- Criminal Code decisions
- Bankruptcy and insolvency records
- CCAA records
- E-Filing
- CCAA Online filing system
- Licensed Insolvency Trustee registry
- LIT BIA Insolvency Counselling Resources
- OSB Licence Administration Application
- Regional contacts for Licensed Insolvency Trustees
- Document Filing Service Standards
Important information
- Notices to Licensed Insolvency Trustees
- OSB News (newsletter)
- Notices to Licensed Insolvency Trustees from the Canada Revenue Agency
- What you need to know about the upcoming fee changes
- Business Plans and Reports