Form 61—Notice of Mediation (br02188)

For persons to which the 2009 amendments apply

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Form 61

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(Rule 105(7))

(Title Form 1)

To: Space to insert name of bankrupt Bankrupt
To: Space to insert name of trustee Licensed Insolvency Trustee
To: Space to insert name of creditor(s) (if applicable) Creditor(s) (if applicable)

Take notice that the mediation in the matter of the bankruptcy of Space to insert name of bankrupt, a bankrupt, will be held in Space to insert city on the Space to insert day day of Space to insert month Space to insert year (or as soon as possible) at Space to insert place

The mediation will be held for the following reasons:

(Check appropriate description)

  • Check box if there is disagreement as to the amount of surplus income to be paid by the bankrupt Subsection 68(6) – There is disagreement as to the amount of surplus income to be paid by the bankrupt.
  • Check box if there was a written request from a creditor Subsection 68(7) – There is a written request from Space to insert name of creditor, a creditor, Space to insert address of creditor (creditor's address), to proceed with the mediation process.
  • Check box if the trustee is opposed to the discharge of the bankrupt Subsection 170.1(1) – The trustee is opposed to the discharge of the bankrupt on a ground referred to in paragraph 173(1)(m) or (n) of the Act.
  • Check box if the creditor is opposed to the discharge of the bankrupt Subsection 170.1(1) – Space to insert name of creditor, a creditor, Space to insert address of creditor (creditor's address), is opposed to the discharge of the bankrupt on a ground referred to in paragraph 173(1)(m) or (n) of the Act.

Further take notice that the mediation can only be rescheduled on extraordinary grounds and that, under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency General Rules, only one such adjournment will be allowed. Therefore, if the mediation has already been adjourned and a second adjournment is requested, regardless of the ground for adjournment, the mediator must cancel the mediation.

Dated at Space to insert city, this Space to insert day day of Space to insert month and year.

Space to insert mediator's signature